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AGM 2019
Wednesday 18 September 2019 at 8pm.

David Lean (Director)


All are invited to our AGM to be held in the David Lean Cinema auditorium. The theme of the meeting this year will be ‘Five Years On – Where Next?’

At the meeting, therefore, in addition to reports on our work and our finances, there will be an opportunity for you to air your views about our activities and our future. We particularly want to hear what you enjoy at the Cinema; what you’d like to see more; what you’d like to see less; and how we might plan our future.

There will also be elections to our twelve-strong Committee, and we welcome committed people to fill places alongside our core of experienced volunteers. We are particularly keen to have people who are interested in working with young people or raising funds through grants. Please get in touch with our Secretary, John Ingman, to see what is involved via our Contact Form.

We look forward to seeing you.

Free Entry with refreshments provided.