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Tuesday 15 October 2019 at 11.00am

Viveik Kalra, Hayley Atwell, Rob Brydon

Based on Sarfraz Manzoor’s memoir, this feelgood comedy-drama juxtaposes the transformative power of music – specifically that of his hero Bruce Springsteen – against a backdrop of the racial and economic tensions in 1980s Luton. Graced by a breakthrough lead performance from Vivek Kalra, it explores similar cultural and generational themes as Chadha’s Bend It Like Beckham, but will also appeal to fans of Danny Boyle’s Yesterday and the oeuvre of Nick Hornby.

2019 | Dir Gurinder Chadha| 117min | UK

“This infectiously charming comedy will leave you humming Springsteen tunes for days” – Betsy Bozdech, Common Sense Media

Monthly 11.00 am Babes in Arms screening
Bringing a baby is not compulsory, but we cannot guarantee a quiet auditorium! Lights will not be fully dimmed, sound will be lower than usual and people may need to move around. When available, subtitles will be shown. The babes in arms may be up to one year old.

Babes In Arms

Ticket Prices:
£7.50 (Standard), £6.00 (Concessions), £5.00 (25 and under).