Thursday 29 August 2019 at 2.30pm and 7.30pm

Falling in love on New Year’s Eve, Jake and Elena soon move in together and try for a baby. He’s 26, she’s 35, and their struggles to conceive expose differences in how they relate and threaten to break them apart. Successfully portraying the passion, pleasure and pains of a relationship, and enriched by its dance/rock soundtrack and Glasgow setting, Only You‘s greatest asset is a brilliant performance by Costa, as magnetic here as she was in 2015’s Victoria.
2018 | Dir Harry Wootliff | 119min | UK
★★★★★ “A terrifically engrossing drama about two wholly believable characters, made with the kind of wit, honesty and raw emotional intimacy that pierces right to the heart of their relationship” – Mark Kermode, The Guardian

Ticket Prices: £7.50 (Standard), £6.00 (Concessions), £5.00 (25 and under).