1987 | Dir James Ivory | 140m | USA
Stars: James Wilby, Rupert Graves, Hugh Grant

Merchant Ivory’s adaptation of Forster’s posthumously published gay novel follows its main character through his unsatisfactory affair with a fellow student at Cambridge and his later relationship with one of the works on his ex-lover’s estate. Critically
acclaimed but largely ignored on its release, the film has gained celebrity over the last 10 years. “A stunning success for a team who seem to have mastered all the problems of making literary films” (Sight and Sound).
LGBT+ History Month screening.

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1992 | Dir James Ivory | 142m | USA
Stars: Anthony Hopkins, Emma Thompson, Vanessa Redgrave

Winner of three Oscars, Merchant Ivory’s film adaptation of E.M. Forster’s novel, a study of class difference in Edwardian England, is one of their greatest achievements. The liberal-minded, cash-poor Schlegels fall under the influence of the wealthy Wilcox family. On her deathbed, Ruth Wilcox bequeaths her beloved home, Howards End, to Margaret Schlegel, but her husband destroys the will. He then falls for Margaret and marries her, keeping the will secret, while Margaret’s younger sister Helen falls for working class striver Leonard Bast.
A 35mm presentation in association with The Cinema Museum.

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