Tuesday 26 November 2024 at 2.30pm

2024 | Dir Aaron Schimberg | 112m | USA

Edward is a New York actor with neurofibromatosis and is shy and withdrawn. However, he is offered pioneering surgery and becomes a new man. His girlfriend writes a play about his early life, and Edward is keen to play himself in a mask. The arrival of an English actor, Oswald, who has the same condition as he has, begins to have an unnerving effect on Edward. “Arresting and challenging, with an exhilarating performance from Adam Pearson” (Peter Bradshaw in The Guardian)

Local resident and lead actor Adam Pearson will join us for a Q&A after the film.

We do not show adverts. Please arrive to take your seat by the time shown.


Wednesday 13 November 2024 at 7.00pm (Sold Out)

2024 | Dir Aaron Schimberg | 112m | USA

Edward is a New York actor with neurofibromatosis and is shy and withdrawn. However, he is offered pioneering surgery and becomes a new man. His girlfriend writes a play about his early life, and Edward is keen to play himself in a mask. The arrival of an English actor, Oswald, who has the same condition as he has, begins to have an unnerving effect on Edward. “Arresting and challenging, with an exhilarating performance from Adam Pearson” (Peter Bradshaw in The Guardian)

Local resident and lead actor Adam Pearson will join us for a Q&A after the film.

After two sell out screenings, Adam Pearson has also agreed to join us for a third Q&A session following the afternoon screening  on Tuesday 26 November. Tickets are available here.


A DIFFERENT MAN (2024) plus Q&A
Wednesday 06 November 2024 at 7.00pm

2024 | Dir Aaron Schimberg | 112m | USA

Edward is a New York actor with neurofibromatosis and is shy and withdrawn. However, he is
offered pioneering surgery and becomes a new man. His girlfriend writes a play about his early life, and Edward is keen to play himself in a mask. The arrival of an English actor, Oswald, who has the same condition as he has, begins to have an unnerving effect on Edward. “Arresting and challenging, with an exhilarating performance from Adam Pearson” (Peter Bradshaw in The Guardian)

Local resident and lead actor Adam Pearson will join us for a Q&A after the film.


Tuesday 10 December 2019 at 7.30pm

Jess Weixler, Adam Pearson, Stephen Plunkett

Writer-director Schimberg’s bold and multi-layered story uses a film cast and crew – making a fictional hospital-based horror movie – to challenge cinematic portrayals of disfigured people. Sardonic and entertaining, it also features local personality Adam Pearson (Under the Skin), who “provides a dose of down-to-earth charm in a movie that often seems to exist in its own alternative universe” (Variety). Adam joins us for a Q&A after the film.

2019 | Dir Aaron Schimberg | 92min | USA

★★★★ “(The film) is almost every kind of strange, and yet it has an amiable warmth and an inexhaustible reserve of originality that make it compelling as hell” – Leslie Felperin, The Guardian

Ticket Prices:
£7.50 (Standard), £6.00 (Concessions), £5.00 (25 and under).