BATTLE OF THE SEXES (12A) – 2017 UK/USA 121 min – LGBT History Month screening

Screenings 2.30 pm & 7.30 pm

Directors: Jonathan Dayton, Valerie Faris
Stars: Emma Stone, Steve Carell, Andrea Riseborough, Alan Cumming

Picture from the film.

In 1973’s male-dominated tennis scene, top female players are goaded into challenge matches by publicity-hungry ex-champion Bobby Riggs (Carell) – and US Open winner Billie Jean King (Stone) feels compelled to accept. As King prepares for their televised Battle of the Sexes, her private life is transformed by her relationship with hairdresser Marilyn Barnett (Riseborough).
Picture from the film.Three stars on top form, the directors of Little Miss Sunshine and screenwriter Simon Beaufoy (Slumdog Millionaire) deliver an ace! Screened in association with LGBT History Month.

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David Lean Cinema, Croydon on Thursday 1 February 2018

Shows start at 2.30 pm & 7.30 pm, ticket prices: £8.50 & £7.00 (concessions)

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