Toni Erdmann (2016 Ger/Austria/Romania) Cert. 15 – subtitled

Extra sceening to meet demand,
Note 7PM start time as this is a long film


Director: Maren Ade
Stars: Sandra Huller, Peter Simonischek, Michael Wittenborn

Recently retired and bored, Winfried decides to pay a surprise visit to his daughter Ines, interrupting her rather grim corporate duties at an overseas factory.

she’s always on the phone



He’s a relentless practical joker, introducing himself to Ines’s work colleagues as an outrageous, bewigged alter ego named Toni Erdmann, much to their amusement and her distress.



But can his clowning change his daughter’s life for the better?



This Academy Award nominated black comedy is “a moving and often hilarious portrait of a father-daughter relationship” (Time Out).


Here are links to Reviews from The Guardian and, deeper as ever, the Roger Ebert film discussion site.


The Guardian review includes a link to the “UK” Trailer, while the “US” version (which, interestingly, gives the film an “R” rating, more restrictive than the UK’s 15) can be seen below [fvplayer src=””]


David Lean Cinema, Croydon on Monday 10th April 2017

Show starts at 7.00PM, Ticket prices: £8.00 & £6.50 (concessions)

– click on the time to make a booking. Cookie Error? See here…….

Aferim! (2015 Romania/Bulgaria/Czech Republic/France) 108 mins, cert 18, subtitled

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Director: Radu Jude           
Stars: Teodor Corban, Mihai Comanoiu, Toma Cuzin

1835: the Romanian territory of Wallachia.

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Costardin, a local policeman and his teenage son are hired to find the gypsy Carfin who has run away with the wife of a nobleman. When they catch up with him, Carfin argues that the woman was responsible for the seduction.



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Will his captors save him from a gruesome punishment…?





Radu Jude’s film, which won the best director prize at the 2015 Berlin film festival, is a pointed critique of racial prejudice full of gallows humour.

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The Review from The Guardian is here  It includes a link to the ‘International’ Trailer 


or you can skip the words and see the Trailer below:

[fvplayer src=”″]

David Lean Cinema, Croydon on Tuesday 9th August 2016

Show starts at 7.30PM, Ticket prices: £8.00 & £6.50 (concessions)

– click on the time to make a booking