Eye In The Sky (UK, 2015), 102 mins, cert. 15

Screenings at 2.30pm* and 7.30pm

(* the 2.30pm screening will be subtitled for the benefit of people with a hearing loss)

Director: Gavin Hood

Starring: Helen Mirren, Aaron Paul, Alan Rickman, Barkhad Abdi

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  • In Nairobi, a gathering of dangerous terrorists is tracked by a daring local operative (Abdi).
  • In London, military leaders (Mirren and Rickman – in his last on-screen role) urge reluctant politicians to authorise action.
  • In Texas, a team of drone ‘pilots’ wait nervously to execute an attack that has considerable potential for collateral damage. 

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A fine cast anchors this tense and disturbing exploration of the process and ethics of modern warfare.


Review: – from Empire here

and the official Trailer: here, ad-free via Vimeo

David Lean Cinema, Croydon on Thursday 9th June 2016

Shows start at 2.30PM or 7.30PM, Ticket prices: £8.00 & £6.50 (concessions)

– click on the time to make a booking