In the outlandish town of Seaside, located nowhere near the coast, famous puppeteers Judy (Mia Wasikowska) and Punch (Damon Herriman) are trying to resurrect their marionette show. The show is a hit due to Judy’s superior puppetry, but Punch’s driving ambition and penchant for a drink lead to an ill-fated turn of events that Judy must avenge…
2019 | Dir Mirrah Foulkes | 105min | Australia
Nick Dent on how “this origin story for the violent puppet shows of yore presents a witty critique of showbiz for the #MeToo generation” ★★★★ Time Out
The programme will also include our current BRIT School Showcase film 6mm Wars (12A, 6 min) directed by Olli Slatter. This Year 13 documentary introduces a combat sport.