Thursday 17 October 2019 at 2.30pm and 7.30pm
Almodóvar joins the list of European auteurs (Fellini, Truffaut) who fictionalise the life of the film director. His hero (Banderas) hasn’t made a film in years, but has enough wealth to live comfortably and fight his physical and mental torments with drugs. A meeting with the star of his early masterpiece starts his creative juices flowing again, as does the memory of his mother (a wonderful cameo by Penelope Cruz) and of an early erotic encounter. “Pain and Glory leaves you with a sweet sadness.” (The Guardian)
Spanish with subtitles.
2019 | Dir Pedro Almodóvar | 113min | Spain
Ticket Prices: £7.50 (Standard), £6.00 (Concessions), £5.00 (25 and under).