2024 | Dir Ali Abbasi | 120m | Canada | Ireland

Everything you need to know to understand how Donald Trump became the man he is today. Sebastian Stan is unrecognisable in the guise of The Don and Jeremy Strong is impressive as Roy Cohn, the man who took him on as a young playboy in the 70’s and taught him the Art of the Deal – Attack, Admit nothing, Claim victory. Director Ali Abbass has brought us films about monsters before and just like the “Trolls” in Border (2018) he shows us a different point of view.

We do not show adverts. Please arrive to take your seat by the time shown.


Tuesday 26 November 2024 at 2.30pm

2024 | Dir Aaron Schimberg | 112m | USA

Edward is a New York actor with neurofibromatosis and is shy and withdrawn. However, he is offered pioneering surgery and becomes a new man. His girlfriend writes a play about his early life, and Edward is keen to play himself in a mask. The arrival of an English actor, Oswald, who has the same condition as he has, begins to have an unnerving effect on Edward. “Arresting and challenging, with an exhilarating performance from Adam Pearson” (Peter Bradshaw in The Guardian)

Local resident and lead actor Adam Pearson will join us for a Q&A after the film.

We do not show adverts. Please arrive to take your seat by the time shown.


Wednesday 13 November 2024 at 7.00pm (Sold Out)

2024 | Dir Aaron Schimberg | 112m | USA

Edward is a New York actor with neurofibromatosis and is shy and withdrawn. However, he is offered pioneering surgery and becomes a new man. His girlfriend writes a play about his early life, and Edward is keen to play himself in a mask. The arrival of an English actor, Oswald, who has the same condition as he has, begins to have an unnerving effect on Edward. “Arresting and challenging, with an exhilarating performance from Adam Pearson” (Peter Bradshaw in The Guardian)

Local resident and lead actor Adam Pearson will join us for a Q&A after the film.

After two sell out screenings, Adam Pearson has also agreed to join us for a third Q&A session following the afternoon screening  on Tuesday 26 November. Tickets are available here.


A DIFFERENT MAN (2024) plus Q&A
Wednesday 06 November 2024 at 7.00pm

2024 | Dir Aaron Schimberg | 112m | USA

Edward is a New York actor with neurofibromatosis and is shy and withdrawn. However, he is
offered pioneering surgery and becomes a new man. His girlfriend writes a play about his early life, and Edward is keen to play himself in a mask. The arrival of an English actor, Oswald, who has the same condition as he has, begins to have an unnerving effect on Edward. “Arresting and challenging, with an exhilarating performance from Adam Pearson” (Peter Bradshaw in The Guardian)

Local resident and lead actor Adam Pearson will join us for a Q&A after the film.


Tuesday 26 November 2024 at 7.30pm

2024 | Dir Ali Abbasi | 120m | Canada | Ireland

Everything you need to know to understand how Donald Trump became the man he is today. Sebastian Stan is unrecognisable in the guise of The Don and Jeremy Strong is impressive as Roy Cohn, the man who took him on as a young playboy in the 70’s and taught him the Art of the Deal – Attack, Admit nothing, Claim victory. Director Ali Abbass has brought us films about monsters before and just like the “Trolls” in Border (2018) he shows us a different point of view.

We do not show adverts. Please arrive to take your seat by the time shown.

I, TONYA (15) – 2017 USA 120 min

Director: Craig Gillespie
Stars: Margot Robbie, Sebastian Stan, Allison Janney

Image of filmWhile she was one of the world’s most talented ice skaters as the 1994 Winter Olympics approached, Tonya Harding became infamous when her rival was attacked on the orders of her ex-husband. This “bleakly hilarious” (The Guardian) mockumentary is framed around Tonya and her family’s conflicting accounts of her rise from an impoverished, abusive background and her chaotic fall from grace. Giving uninhibited performances as Tonya and her hardnosed mother LaVona, Robbie and Janney both richly deserve their Academy Award nominations.

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David Lean Cinema, Croydon on Wednesday 25 April 2018

Show starts at 7.30 pm, ticket prices £8.50 & £7.00 (concessions).
Click on time to make a booking.

I, TONYA (15) – 2017 USA 120 min

Director: Craig Gillespie
Stars: Margot Robbie, Sebastian Stan, Allison Janney

Image of filmWhile she was one of the world’s most talented ice skaters as the 1994 Winter Olympics approached, Tonya Harding became infamous when her rival was attacked on the orders of her ex-husband. This “bleakly hilarious” (The Guardian) mockumentary is framed around Tonya and her family’s conflicting accounts of her rise from an impoverished, abusive background and her chaotic fall from grace. Giving uninhibited performances as Tonya and her hardnosed mother LaVona, Robbie and Janney both richly deserve their Academy Award nominations.

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David Lean Cinema, Croydon on Thursday 19 April 2018

Shows start at 11.00 am and 7.30 pm, ticket prices £8.50 & £7.00 (concessions).
Click on time to make a booking.