Zip & Zap and the Marble Gang (2013, Spain) Cert. U

Director: Oskar Santos
Stars: Javier Gutiérrez, Raúl Rivas, Daniel Cerezo 
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Special review for the David Lean Cinema  by Lucy (age 7), and Tom (age almost 10).

Zip and Zap is an adventure story set in a boring summer school which becomes much less boring after a group of friends discover something secret is going on.

It is exciting, with a few scary moments, and Tom particularly liked some of the comedy bits. Lucy thinks it will be nice for children who know a few words of Spanish or would like to see their first film with subtitles.

Because of the subtitles and a couple of slightly rude words, we think it is most suitable for age 8 plus.


This film has not had much of a theatrical release in the UK and most of our audience have less Spanish than Lucy, so here is a link to an English language Review from The Hollywood Reporter dating from the film’s debut at the Toronto International Film Festival.

A subtitled Trailer, produced for that Festival, can be seen below – [fvplayer src=””]


David Lean Cinema, Croydon on Saturday 15th April 2017

Show starts at 2.30PM, Ticket prices: £8.00 & £6.50 (concessions)

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