Watch at home for £7.49 (use promo code DLYS)

2020 | Dir Miguel J. Vélez | 83 mins | Poland

What would you do for love? Mikołaj barely hesitates before he abandons his highly-rewarding job as an on-platform snowball and hops on a train in pursuit of the woman of his dreams (who has just walked by). Once aboard, we’re met with a wryly amusing and sometimes surreal series of loosely connected encounters and incidents, involving such as a pair of lost children, a tyrannical ticket inspector, a man with a child’s coffin, a compartment full of tough nuts and a runaway mouse. Will Mikołaj’s bold hopes meet with the reward they deserve, or does fate have something else in store? Polish with English subtitles.

As a thank you for supporting us, you will get 25% off each ticket purchase. Just enter DLYS at checkout. You will also be supporting the David Lean Cinema as we get a share of every ticket sold using this promo code. Participating in the Summer of Hope Season.
Stream available for 48 hours after play started.
Distributor: YourScreen – create account or login.
Film run ends on 19 September 2021.
Give feedback to the distributor on this film here.