The David Lean Cinema has partnered with YourScreen to deliver their online streaming films as part of the Summer of Hope season. During this part of the year when we are preparing for opening in October, much depends on cooperation with the council and their willingness to work with us. There is a lot of work going on in the backgound but there are costs involved in this. Films streamed by you via our website, which are promoted as part of the Summer of Hope season, have the potential to create extra funds for us as the distributors will donate all ticket income to the David Lean Cinema once sales have reached a certain point. You can help us in this respect by choosing to stream films via links on our website and those that are part of this particular initiative are highlighted as such.
We have been closed since the middle of March 2020 and during this time our income has been minimal. Meanwhile continuous efforts have been made to keep all our equipment in working order. This included replacing our sound system which was exhibiting intermittent faults and sounding rather tired overall. More improvements are planned for next year so your help with this steaming income is very welcome.