Our “Returns” service has been withdrawn (from 06 April 2017) as it no longer fits in with our new refund policy. This page is left here as a historical record.
If a screening has “Sold Out” but you would be interested in purchasing ticket returns, please register your interest by sending an email to returns@davidleancinema.org.uk and the name and time of the film in the subject line with a brief message explaining your requirements (ie number of tickets etc) and we will place you on a holding list. If any tickets become available which meet your requirements, then you will be sent an email advising you of the fact that tickets are back on sale.
Important notes about this service
1 – We cannot allocate these tickets to you so you will need to make the purchase in the normal way. Keep an eye on your email!
2 – Depending on the time scale (how close we are to the date of the screening) we will send email notifications that there are tickets available for sale for previously sold out shows on a first come first served basis. If we are close to the actual date these emails will be sent to everybody who has registered an interest AT THE SAME TIME so it will be necessary to act as soon as you can to avoid disappointment.
This is a trial additional service to our patrons for sold out shows only and not for use if you have tickets that you wish to return. Our returns process has not changed. Please see here.
As an organisation that relies on volunteers we hope that this process will almost run itself but this may be withdrawn if it proves unmanageable.