2020 | Dir Zoe Wittock | 93 mins | France |
Jeanne, a shy young woman, lives at home with her uninhibited bartender mother and works the graveyard shift as a cleaner at an amusement park.
Her mother wants her to meet a man, but Jeanne prefers tinkering in her bedroom with wires, light bulbs, and spare parts, creating miniature versions of theme park rides. During her late-night shifts she begins spending intimate time with the alluring new Tilt-A-Whirl ride that she decides to call Jumbo.
Finding herself seduced by “his” red lights, smooth chrome, and oily hydraulics, Jeanne concludes that the thrilling new relationship she wants to pursue is with Jumbo.
French with English subtitles.
The David Lean Cinema receives a share of the ticket price when purchased via links on this page.
Distributor: Anti-Worlds – No account required.
Film run ends on Friday 10 September 2021.
“Jumbo has personality, and that’s a major feat accomplished entirely through the film’s visual language”. Carlos Aguilar – RobertEbert.com
When I was still living in the United States, I stumbled upon an article describing the incredible story of Erika Labrie, an Olympic goldwinner in archery, who got married to the Eiffel tower in 2004 and became Erika Eiffel. She was said to suffer from the “Objectum sexual” condition. It struck me as the most improbable story, but it encouraged me to think further: How did she become like that? What draws her to objects? How does she experience her love? When did she know? So I contacted her… Only to realize she was one of the most grounded people I had ever met. The contrast was fascinating.
Zoe Wittock – Director