Watch at home for £7.49 (use promo code DLYS)

2019 | Dir Erwin Wagenhofer | 116 mins | Germany | Austria

Filmmaker Ewin Wagenhofer takes us on a journey around the world to celebrate some remarkable people who dare to live differently, all sharing the common goal of a sustainable world. We meet permaculture visionaries, illiterate women building solar panels to bring clean electricity to rural villages, an Austrian forester building wooden houses that require no heating, musicians musing on the actual sound of beauty and a grinning Dali Lama with some wise words of hope for humanity. An inspiring film revealing beauty and the freedom to be happy through connectedness in nature, society and music. German, Hindi, Spanish with English subtitles.

As a thank you for supporting us, you will get 25% off each ticket purchase. Just enter DLYS at checkout. You will also be supporting the David Lean Cinema as we get a share of every ticket sold using this promo code. Participating in the Summer of Hope Season.
Stream available for 48 hours after play started.
Distributor: YourScreen – create account or login.
Film run ends on 19 September 2021.
Give feedback to the distributor on this film here.

ROAD TO PEACE (U) – 2012 UK 65 min – Croydon Festival of Peace screening, plus Q&A

Director: Leon Stuparich
Features: The Dalai Lama, Joanna Lumley

Image from filmFilmed during the Dalai Lama’s last UK visit before he stepped down as the exiled Political Leader of Tibet, this film captures his sense of humour, integrity and extraordinary ability to connect with people on a personal level. The Nobel Peace Prize winner offers a radical vision of how we can create lasting peace within ourselves and on a global level.

Image from film

With intimate behind the scenes access and a candid personal interview, this film is as close to a flesh-and-blood encounter with the Dalai Lama as you can get. Followed by a live Q&A with director Leon Stuparich.Image from film


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Plus a BRIT School Showcase film, screened in partnership with the School’s Film & Media Production department. For this film we are showing Tom Horton (U) (4.15 min), directed by Lucas Aliaga-Hurt & Victoria Man. A portrait of a marine biologist based in Penzance.

David Lean Cinema, Croydon on Thursday 21 June 2018

Shows start at 2.30 and 7.30 pm, ticket prices £8.50 & £7.00 (concessions).
Click on time to make a booking.